After three weeks of fundraising, the money raised from the church sponsorship and donations from friends, we have been able to break the ground and are glad to share these images and video clips with our sponsors and well wishers. We continue to rely on your kind donations of any cash amount.
Our Mission
Community Empowerment
Poverty Alleviation
Support and contribute towards job creation in the local district and beyond in the education sector and other education related sectors.


Nursery Project
Past project completed by members of Gwakabbo Board of Directors with the help of donors from Schools in Hillingdon, West London, United Kingdom.
Pioneers of the nursery project graduated in 2014. They are now preparing for entry into secondary education

Church Project
The Gwakabbo Directors had a vision to build a church for the local community. With the support of partners at St. John’s Church Hillingdon and other well-wishers, a church was built in the local area of Kwera in Dokolo District.
Support our cause of building a twenty first century community secondary school for the youth in a District (Dokolo District; Lango sub-region of Northern Uganda) where the community continues recovery from the consequences of war over of the past three decades.
About Us
Gwakabbo School Project (GSP)
Gwakabbo School Project (GSP) is a UK based organisation (currently in the process of being registered as a not for profit charity). It was set up in 2019 by a group of like-minded individuals who have worked with children from different ethnic backgrounds in the UK; and understand that education is the key to a successful life for an individual.
The life stories of some of the children they met (some from war torn areas) and worked with have inspired and motivated them to launch this project. They believe that nurturing and developing educational skills of the disadvantaged children in Northern Uganda (formerly affected by three decades of war) can harness local solutions to improved livelihoods of those individuals and their communities at large.Gwakabbo School Project (GSP) is a UK based organisation (currently in the process of being registered as a not for profit charity). It was set up in 2019 by a group of like-minded individuals who have worked with children from different ethnic backgrounds in the UK; and understand that education is the key to a successful life for an individual.